Silver Diamine Fluoride Dentist in Frisco, Texas

We are a premiere Silver Diamine Fluoride Dentistry in Frisco, TX with services to infants, toddlers, teens and children with special needs. Sheer Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is located in Frisco, Texas and we proudly serve the surrounding cities of Little Elm, The Colony, Plano, Prosper, and Oak Point.

Silver Diamine Fluoride Dentistry Frisco, Texas

At Sheer Smiles, we believe your children would benefit from fluoride treatment in Frisco, Texas. This preventive treatment is valuable, helping strengthen your children’s teeth against decay. This procedure, performed by Dr. Sage and Dr. Justin, is painless and only takes a few minutes, but it can help prevent decay in the future.

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver Diamine Fluoride is an FDA-approved antibiotic liquid clinically applied to control active dental caries and prevent further progression of the disease. While the ideal way to treat teeth with decay is by removing the decay and placing a restoration, this alternative fluoride treatment allows us to stop decay with noninvasive methods, particularly with young children that have baby teeth.

fluoride treatment

Treatment with Silver Diamine Flouride will not eliminate the need for restorative dentistry to repair function or aesthetics but has been effective at prevention of further decay. Dental restorations may include but are not limited to dental fillings, root canal therapy and or crowns.

How does Silver Diamine Fluoride work?

Silver Diamine Fluoride is composed of two primary components: silver and fluoride. Silver acts as an anti-microbial agent that simultaneously strengthens the underlying protective layer of your teeth called dentin. Fluoride is the active ingredient that puts a stop to tooth decay and helps prevent additional decay from appearing. During your child’s visit, your dentist will brush and rinse their teeth without paste to prepare for the treatment. Your child’s teeth will then be dried and any debris, such as plaque, will be removed. SDF is applied to the affected teeth with a micro brush and the solution is allowed to cure on the tooth for two minutes. Once the tooth has been treated, we advise patients not to eat or drink or at least an hour to allow it to cure.

Frisco Pediatric Dentists

Meet Dr. Sage & Dr. Justin

Both Dr. Sage and Dr. Justin are board-certified pediatric dentists, proud fathers, and enthusiastic pet dads!

While they have a lot in common, what truly unites them is their dedication to giving children positive dental experiences that will safeguard their smiles and health for decades to come.

Dr. Sage and Dr. Justin completed their pediatric specialty training at Tufts University and the Montefiore Medical Center / Albert Einstein College of Medicine respectively, meaning they bring a deep commitment to continuing education and only using the latest, proven methods and technology to serve our growing patients.

Recognitions and Certifications

Sheer Smiles participates with most PPO insurance plans. Medicaid and CHIP accepted.

No Dental Insurance???

Our plan is designed to provide greater access to quality
dental care at an affordable price.

Finance and Insurance options for parents!

Payment Options:

For your convenience, we accept cash, personal checks, money orders, Care Credit and most major credit cards. Payment is expected at the time services are performed. Feel free to contact our office if your treatment plan requires more comprehensive dental work and you want to discuss financial arrangements. 


Our office is committed to helping you maximize your insurance benefits. Because insurance policies vary, we can only estimate your coverage in good faith but cannot guarantee coverage due to the complexities of insurance contracts. Your estimated patient portion must be paid at the time of service. As a service to our patients, we will bill insurance companies for services and allow them 45 days to render payment. After 60 days, you are responsible for the entire balance, paid-in-full. If you have any questions our courteous staff is always available to answer them

What Our Kids Parents Think About Us!

Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage will provide the best Pediatric Dentistry services for your child!

Ready to receive great pediatric dental care?