Painless Oral Injection Systems Instructions

Painless Oral Injection Systems Instructions to help parents with services to infants, toddlers, teens and children with special needs. Sheer Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is located in Frisco, Texas and we proudly serve the surrounding cities of Little Elm, The Colony, Plano, Prosper, and Oak Point.

Painless Oral Injection Systems Instructions

Painless Oral Injection Systems

Pre-operative Instructions

Dress comfortably the day of the surgery.

Avoid wearing earrings or any accessories for facial or tongue piercings.

Loose hairstyles work best. However, ponytails and hairstyles that place the bulk of hair at the back of the head are not recommended.

Avoid tight/binding clothing.
The day of surgery, it is recommended that you leave your cell phone or laptop computer with a loved one or turn your electronic devices off completely. Once you have been seated in the treatment room you will not be able to answer phone calls or respond to text or e-mail messages.

We welcome family and friends to accompany you and stay with you throughout your procedure in the treatment room. However, we ask that all electronic devices by all persons present be powered off. In addition, no food or drinks are allowed.

It is human nature for friends and family to be concerned for you during your procedure. However, if you desire total privacy and no visits, please do not hesitate to inform the staff.

The temperature of our treatment room tends to be quite chilly. This is necessary in order to ensure low levels of bacteria.

During your procedure we will provide you with a warm blanket, however, we recommend that you bring a light sweater as well.

It is not necessary to fast before your scheduled procedure. In fact, we prefer that you eat a well-balanced meal prior to your surgery.

Stock up on 2 days worth of soup and soft foods for after the surgery.

Prescriptions that are either given to you or called into the pharmacy prior to your surgery are to be taken after your procedure. PLEASE DO NOT START TAKING ANY MEDICATIONS BEFORE YOUR SCHEDULED SURGERY UNLESS INSTRUCTED BY THE DOCTOR TO DO SO.

In conclusion, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Post Laser Periodontal (Gum) Disease Therapy Instructions

Do not be alarmed with any color changes or appearance of tissues following laser therapy.

Tissues can be gray, yellow, red, blue, purple, “stringy” and reflect normal response to laser treatments.

Reduce activity for several hours following the surgery.
It is OK to spit, rinse, and wash your mouth today. Rinse as directed with Peridex or Periogard morning and night. In between it is OK to rinse gently every three (3) hours with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8oz. Glass of warm water). Do not chew on the side of your mouth, which has been treated.

Do not eat spicy or excessively hot foods.

Try to keep your mouth as clean as possible in order to help the healing process. After that, brush, floss, and follow other home-care measures in all the areas of your mouth except for the surgerized area.

Do not apply excessive tongue or cheek pressure to the surgerized area.

Do not be alarmed if one of the following occurs:

Light bleeding

Slight swelling

Some soreness, tenderness, or tooth sensitivity

Medicinal taste, from Peridex or Periogard

The surgical pack is placed on the area to prevent food, trauma, and/or smoke from irritating the surgerized tissues. If a piece of the pack falls out or if the entire pack loosens or falls out, do not be alarmed.

Swelling may possibly occur. However, to keep this at a minimum, gently place an ice pack on the outside of the face for 20 minutes each hour until you retire for sleep that night. Do not continue using the ice pack beyond the day of the periodontal surgery.

Some oozing of blood may occur and will appear to be greatly exaggerated when it dissolves in saliva. Determine the side of oozing and place pressure on this area. If you cannot locate the origin of the bleeding, rinse your mouth gently with iced water and apply a wet tea bag to the general area. If excessive bleeding continues, please call the office.

It is very important to maintain a good food and fluid intake. Try to eat soft but nutritious food such as eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, malts, ice cream, etc. until you can comfortably return to a normal diet.

If medication has been prescribed, please take exactly as directed.

Please call the office so that we may render further treatment if any of the following occurs:

Prolonged or severe pain
Prolonged or excessive bleeding
Considerably elevated or persistent temperature

Do not be alarmed that beginning with just two weeks after therapy and extending as long as one year or more, the teeth may become sore, tender, or sensitive as the bone and ligaments around the teeth regenerate and become more firm. This is a sign of healing, but also indicates the presence of a bite imbalance that needs to be adjusted.

Mushy Diet Suggestions

Daily vitamins!
Anything put through a food blender.
Cream of wheat, oatmeal, malt o meal
Mashed potatoes or baked potatoes – ok with butter/sour cream
Mashed banana, mashed avocado, applesauce or any mashed/blended fruit except berries with seeds
Broth or creamed soup
Mashed steamed vegetables
Mashed yams, baked sweet potato or butternut squash
Cottage cheese cream or soft cheese
Creamy peanut butter without solid pieces
Eggs any style, with or without melted cheese
Omelets can have cheese and avocado
Jell-o, pudding, ice cream, yogurt
Milk shake/smoothies – ok to blend fruit except berries with seeds
Ensure, slim fast – nutritional drinks.
Don’t Chew gum, candy, cookies, chips, nuts, anything hard or crunchy, anything that has seeds or hard pieces, meat that shreds and can lodge under the gum and between teeth, raw vegetables/salad.

Frisco Pediatric Dentists

Meet Dr. Sage & Dr. Justin

Both Dr. Sage and Dr. Justin are board-certified pediatric dentists, proud fathers, and enthusiastic pet dads!

While they have a lot in common, what truly unites them is their dedication to giving children positive dental experiences that will safeguard their smiles and health for decades to come.

Dr. Sage and Dr. Justin completed their pediatric specialty training at Tufts University and the Montefiore Medical Center / Albert Einstein College of Medicine respectively, meaning they bring a deep commitment to continuing education and only using the latest, proven methods and technology to serve our growing patients.

Recognitions and Certifications

Sheer Smiles participates with most PPO insurance plans. Medicaid and CHIP accepted.

No Dental Insurance???

Our plan is designed to provide greater access to quality
dental care at an affordable price.

Finance and Insurance options for parents!

Payment Options:

For your convenience, we accept cash, personal checks, money orders, Care Credit and most major credit cards. Payment is expected at the time services are performed. Feel free to contact our office if your treatment plan requires more comprehensive dental work and you want to discuss financial arrangements. 


Our office is committed to helping you maximize your insurance benefits. Because insurance policies vary, we can only estimate your coverage in good faith but cannot guarantee coverage due to the complexities of insurance contracts. Your estimated patient portion must be paid at the time of service. As a service to our patients, we will bill insurance companies for services and allow them 45 days to render payment. After 60 days, you are responsible for the entire balance, paid-in-full. If you have any questions our courteous staff is always available to answer them

What Our Kids Parents Think About Us!

Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage will provide the best Pediatric Dentistry services for your child!

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