Tips to Teach your kids how to take care of their teeth

Home » Blog»Education » Tips for teaching your kids to take […] Tips for teaching your kids to take care of their teeth Written September 14th, 2019 by Team Kailes Categories: Education Tags: healthy habits, Tips No Comments » As a parent, you worry about your children. It’s only natural. From teaching nutrition to good study habits, watching over kids is a full-time…

Sealants: What They Are and How They Are Beneficial To Overall Oral Health

Sealants: What They Are and How They Are Beneficial To Overall Oral Health

Brushing and flossing are the most important and efficient ways to help protect teeth from getting cavities. Good oral health can be achieved by simply doing these things twice a day. However, brushing and flossing does not ensure cavities will not eventually appear over time. Anatomically, teeth have pits, fissures, and grooves that can make…