Important Facts About Flossing It’s nine o’clock on a school night, and your kids are getting ready for bed. Some days, just the simple act of brushing their teeth is a hassle. Even more, trying to get them to floss seems like an impossible task. But, there are several health benefits that make flossing more…
Author: sheersmileskids
Tips to Teach your kids how to take care of their teeth
Home » Blog»Education » Tips for teaching your kids to take […] Tips for teaching your kids to take care of their teeth Written September 14th, 2019 by Team Kailes Categories: Education Tags: healthy habits, Tips No Comments » As a parent, you worry about your children. It’s only natural. From teaching nutrition to good study habits, watching over kids is a full-time…
Back-to-School Dental Health Tips
It’s the beginning of August, which means it is time to plan for heading back to school. Along with new school clothes and new school supplies, it’s important to make sure your children are equipped with the tools and guidance needed for a healthy mouth and good oral hygiene. At City Kids Dental North…

The Importance of Taking Your Child to a Pediatric Dentist
According to the American Dental Association, when your child turns a year old, or when their first tooth comes in, it is time for a trip to a pediatric dentist! A pediatric dentist does many things to ensure your child’s overall dental health is maintained properly. In this article, we will discuss why pediatric dentists…

When Should My Kids Start Flossing Their Teeth?
What Age Should We Start? Flossing really isn’t much of a benefit until teeth start sitting closer together, typically between 2 and 6 years old. Up to that point, the bristles of a toothbrush are perfectly capable of reaching all around those little pearly whites. As with most things, children need help learning the proper…

Sugary Drinks and Tooth Decay
Dr. Sage Yoo and Dr. Justin Chan of Sheer Smiles Pediatric Dentistry advise parents and their young patients that when food particles and remnants of sugary drinks are not brushed off teeth regularly, bacteria start to grow. As the bacteria begin to break down, it creates an acid that starts attacking the teeth. As the…

Sealants: What They Are and How They Are Beneficial To Overall Oral Health
Brushing and flossing are the most important and efficient ways to help protect teeth from getting cavities. Good oral health can be achieved by simply doing these things twice a day. However, brushing and flossing does not ensure cavities will not eventually appear over time. Anatomically, teeth have pits, fissures, and grooves that can make…

Families Love Sheer Smiles Frisco Pediatric Dentistry
At Sheer Smiles, a pediatric dentist in Frisco, Texas, while we realize that there are numerous options to select from when choosing a pediatric dentist in Frisco, we have made it a mission to provide the safest and most comfortable treatment environment for our patients. Finding a dentist near you where your children feel comfortable…

What is a Frenectomy?
Your first question may be, “What is a frenectomy?” and the answer to that is simple. Stanford Medicine describes it as “the procedure in which the frenulum is cut.” The frenulum is the tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, and there is another that connects the top…

Emergency Dentist in Frisco, TX
Nothing is worse than seeing your child in pain. When your child is suffering, you want to do whatever you can to fix their pain as quickly as possible. As emergency dentist in Frisco, Texas, we see patients of all ages, from infants to teenagers who have pain and other symptoms. Our experienced team members…

Dental Insurance...Use it or you lose it!
At Sheer Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, Fall is one of the busiest times of the year. Children and parents are still adjusting to the new school year, fall sports seasons are winding down and everyone is preparing for Thanksgiving. Not to mention parents are busy working and providing for their families. With all this activity preoccupying…

What You Need To Know About 'Shark Teeth'
As a parent or caregiver, you may have come across the fascinating term “shark teeth” when discussing your child’s dental health, particularly their baby teeth. But what exactly are shark teeth in kids, and why is it crucial to understand this peculiar phenomenon that can affect their little smiles? So, let’s explore the fascinating world…